目前分類:Java (59)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


The method list() in the File class can help you to achieve this purpose.

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A meta-character is a characater that has special meaning to a computer program.

for example , in the regular expression engine:

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A sequential file contains records organized by the order where they are entered , 

the length of records and the order of records are fixed.

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We need to use URLConnection class or HttpURLConnection class to set cookie.

The example is as below:

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When we crawl the content from the URL , sometimes the process will become zombie and the task will

be stoped by some internet connection reason.

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In File class , there is a method , mkdir() , which can be used to create directory.
The example is as below:
boolean success = (new File("directoryName")).mkdir();
if (!success) 
 System.out.println("Directory create failed!!");

In File class , it also has another method , mkdirs() , we can use this method if we want to create hierarchical directory .
for example:
This example will create two directory , one is datasets directory , and the other is class_2 directory.

String classNum = "datasets\\class_"+2;

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How to retrun a two dimensional array , 

It is very simple in Java , we just need to set the return type as the same as the array tyep.

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有時候 , 我們可能不只有一組data , 而昰有很多組data , 

但是對每組data我們可能會想使用不同的Hashtable , 

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The range of ascii is from 0 to 255 , 

so a character is out of this range , we can say that this character is not a ascii.


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javadoc is a tool in the jdk folder , it can help us transform the comment which was in program

to a documentation which was html style .

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When we write many program , we also need to manage these program in order to avoid confuse.

Java has provide two method for us to manage these program , Package and Jar.

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We can use the method , charAt() , to extract the word in the string.

for example:

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There are three ways to set Classpath.

1. Using command

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The method , delete() , of File class can be used to delete the file.


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The method , length() , of File class can be used to get the file size.

File f = new File(fileName);

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The System.out will be changed to test file after the instruction , System.setOut(new PrintStream("test")) ,

is executed.

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We can use File class to open a folder and read the file name of this folder.

and the method , list() , will return an array of strings naming the files in the directory.

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Sometimes , we may want to sent parameter by POST method , 

the following example can help us achieve this purpose.

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String str = "String that you want to transmit";

// Create a socket to the host

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public class QueueTest

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