目前分類:SQL (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

char 以及varchar 都是用來儲存字元 , 字串的type , 

不同點在於 , char在儲存時是固定長度 , 而varchar則是可以變動長度來進行儲存(但不可大於我們所設的limit)

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MySQL is a Relational SQL database management system , and it is open source software.

Relational database means that all the data is stored into different tables 

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SQL stands for Structured Query Language , it is a database computer language 

designed for retrieval and management of data in relational database.

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在database中 , 我們通常會需要設定一個key來做為每個紀錄的辨識 , 

而這樣的key , 我們就稱為Primary key.

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First , we must connect to database by using root account.

# mysql -u root -p

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修改Mysql的密碼 , 主要有以下兩個步驟 , 

1 . 連線Mysql

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  • Nov 23 Wed 2011 20:51
  • SQL

1. in  , 

example : select * from monday where category in('3')

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